Meet the Medistream, our new dryer. But it’s not just a dryer, as this dryer is the world’s first real cleanroom dryer and the next logical step in the Lapauw strategy of becoming a total solutions provider.
The cleanroom laundry market may still be a niche market but it’s one that’s on the rise. Talk to any laundry that has a work wear department and they have had a demand to offer cleanroom services. But above all the cleanroom industry is an industry that is extremely demanding for its suppliers, like laundries, especially when it comes to hygiene and dust control.
The Medistream is co-developped with cleanroom specialist BeMicron and complements the Mediwave barrier washer in the cleanroom range.
The Medistream has a basket volume of 1400 liter, which makes it the ideal partner of the Mediwave 1100 washer for cleanroom operations (where the fill ratio for the dryer is around 1/35).
The Medistream is steam heated and the 4000 m³/hr air stream is drawn in over pre filters before being heated. High temperature HEPA filters, that are mounted just behind the steam batteries, assure maximal removal of dust particles in the basket. On top of that, the basket is encased in a fully closed outer drum, which shields it completely from the soiled area. The exhaust is foreseen with an anti-return valve that prevents soiled air entering the drum via the exhaust.
Just like the Mediwave, the Medistream dryer is equipped with the SIEMENS intuitive microprocessor control system and allows full monitoring of the process.
The first Medistream dryer will be installed in January into an ISO class 5 cleanroom, in combination with the Mediwave barrier washer.