Lapauw developed, with the Mediwave washer-extractor and the Medistream cleanroom dryer, a dedicated cleanroom line in partnership with BeMicron.

The Mediwave takes barrier washer design to a whole new level. Thanks to the GRP covers, instead of stainless steel, the Mediwave is the cleanest, most hygienic machine on the market. But cleanliness is not the only thing that Lapauw tackled with the Mediwave. With the redesigned drum access and intuitive control system, the Mediwave is the most ergonomic washer on the market.

With the Medistream, Lapauw presents the first 100% cleanroom dryer in the industry. Thanks to innovative features like smart emplacement of the filters and a completely isolated drum, the Medistream answers to the high standards in hygiene and separation that is adopted by the cleanroom laundry industry.